03 9791 5344
03 9793 7777 (After Hours)
Open 7 Days
Mon-Fri 8am – 10pm
Sat 8.30am to 9pm
Sun 8.30am to 10pm
Your Local Clinic
CALL CENTRE operating hours for all appointment bookings; urgent and non-urgent matters are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
After Call Centre operating hours, for URGENT matters only please call 0413 222 217
For all appointment bookings:
- book online via our website here or
- book online via Health Engine here or
- send an email to info@dandenongsuperclinic.com.au or
- send an SMS request to 0451 030 068
(please include full name and date of birth in email or sms)
Dandenong Superclinic is an accredited general practice and we aim to provide the best possible medical care for our patients and their families. We are a multicultural and community-centred clinic. Our health providers speak many different languages including English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Bahasa Melayu, Dari, Farsi, Pashto, Urdu and Sinhalese Our clinicians supervise GP Registrars, university medical and nursing students and we provide nursing and vaccination services for local schools and residential facilities.